
News &

May 18-19, 2010—Ottawa, Ontario

Reinventing Canadian Media

There is no debating that the way we get our news and information has changed, but how will the Canadian media landscape look like in five or 10 years from now? And what are the implications?

The Public Policy Forum, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, and the CMRC partnered to host Reinventing Canadian Media, a conference that explored the effects of the digital world on media production and news distribution models. It featured Jeff Jarvis, author of What Would Google Do?, as the keynote speaker and a series of expert panels, including a CMRC presentation on the state of the news media in Canada and alternative news models.

A summary report will be available soon.

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Presentation: 2010 State of the News Media

Video: Jeff Jarvis Keynote

Conference Agenda

Public Policy Forum Website