The New Journalist


The CMRC is pleased to announce the release of The New Journalist: Roles, Skills, and Critical Thinking, a new publication from Emond Montgomery Publications. It looks at a wide range of topics in journalism, communications and multimedia, including new journalism skills, the state of journalism, and news models. It features a chapter co-authored by CMRC President Donna Logan and Research Manager Darryl Korell entitled Sustainable News Models for a Digital Age. It looks at the current state of the media in Canada, and which news business models will thrive in the future. The chapter is part of the CMRC's State of the Media in Canada project.

From the Publisher

"The revolutionary changes under way in the world of journalism require a new kind of student resource. The New Journalist offers a broad overview for introductory-level students in journalism and multimedia courses. With a critical thinking approach taken throughout, it covers everything from an introduction to the essential practical skills that today’s journalists require, to “think pieces” on the state of journalism today, to an overview of emerging business models.

"While emphasizing the changing technology at the heart of journalism’s reinvention, the book does not overlook the need to address the perennially important elements that excellent journalism requires, such as solid interviewing and research skills, ethical considerations, proper story structure, and more."

Content Summary

Introduction: Why Study Journalism Now? (Mary McGuire)

PART ONE: Thinking About Journalism

  1. New Challenges for Journalism in the 21st Century (Alfred Hermida)
  2. The Journalist and the Audience (Mathew Ingram)
  3. Missing the Link: How the Internet Is Saving Journalism (David Eaves and Taylor Owen)
  4. Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable (Clay Shirky)
  5. From the Business of Journalism to Journalism as Business: 1990 to the Present (Mike Gasher)
  6. Sustainable News Models for a Digital Age (Donna Logan and Darryl Korell)
  7. What’s a Good Story? Recognizing Quality in Journalists’ Work (Ivor Shapiro)

PART TWO: Roles and Skills in the Digital Age

  1. Roles and Skills for Cross-Platform Reporting (Tim Currie)
  2. The Journalist as Critical Thinker (Paul Benedetti and Kim Kierans)
  3. Practical Research and Web Navigation Skills (Kelly Toughill and Fred Vallance-Jones)
  4. Developing Story Ideas (Shane Holladay)
  5. Reporting Basics: Accuracy, Precision, and Balance (Rick MacLean)
  6. Structure and Story Online (Paul Benedetti)
  7. Interviewing in the Digital Age (Jennifer Wilson-Speedy)
  8. The Beat Reporter (Various Authors)

PART THREE: Social Media and Multimedia

  1. Social Media (Lisa Lynch)
  2. Blog to the Future: Telling Digital Stories in the Post-9/11 Decade (Vinita Srivastava)
  3. Working with Photography and Video (Frank O’Connor and Tyler Anderson)
  4. Convergence Journalism: Audio (Karen Zypchyn)
  5. Data Visualizations and Interactives (Tim Currie)

PART FOUR: Responsibilities

  1. Ethics for the New Mainstream (Stephen J.A. Ward)
  2. Libel, Journalists, and the Online World (Dean Jobb)
  3. Surviving and Thriving in Journalism (David Beers)

More: Emond Montgomery Publications »

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