Public Forum: Vancouver

News &

The Future of News

How much control does the public have?


Public Forum

Sept. 22, 2008 / Vancouver / UBC Robson Square / 7pm  

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Over the past decade, widespread use of the internet has changed how people get their news.  Many Canadian news organizations have reduced the number of journalists they have on staff and are producing fewer stories outside their immediate communities.

These cost-cutting measures lead to serious doubts about whether news organizations can continue to provide the public with the high quality content they need. The Canadian Media Research Consortium has been studying these trends and decided to hold a public forum to examine the Future of News in Canada. 

Video Recap

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The Future of News Forum is the first in a cross-country series of dialogues that will bring together journalists and the public to discuss matters that are critical to the future well-being of the Canadian news industry. More »

Click here to see the Vancouver location.


Ian Hanomansing is a reporter with CBC Television. He has covered a wide range of stories including the Exxon Valdez oil spill (1989), the Los Angeles riots (1992), Vancouver's post-Stanley Cup riot (1994), the handover of Hong Kong in 1997 and most recently the Beijing Olympic Games. He now co-hosts CBC News: Vancouver at Six. 

Michael Tippett is co-founder and chief marketing officer of NowPublic, one of the pioneers in citizen generated news that is rapidly becoming one of the largest news agencies in the world with over 130,000 contributing reporters in 140 countries and 4,500 cities. In the last year, The Guardian in London ranked NowPublic as one of top five news sites in the world, and Time Magazine named it as one of the top 50 Web sites of the year. 

Vivienne Sosnowski is editorial director of Clarity Media, which publishes editions of the Washington, Baltimore and San Francisco Examiner, as well as the She was previously executive editor for The Washington Examiner and The San Francisco Examiner, editor of The Province and executive editor of the The National Post. 


The forum is a free public event sponsored by The Canadian Media Research Consortium, The Network for Journalism Excellence, The British Columbia Press Council, and UBC’s Graduate School of Journalism.


Future of News explored by media panel, Vancouver Sun


Don't forget to join us on Facebook and please feel free to print and distribute our event poster and advertising copy.


Future of News Forums: Overview

These forums will bring together journalists and the public to discuss matters that are critical to the future well-being of the Canadian news industry. They will help illuminate the changes that are taking place in the news industry and will look into whether the public feel these changes are better serving them and their communities.

The Importance of Valuable Content

New revenue models, emerging technologies and alternative news gathering approaches were discussed, but, above all, the summit’s speakers and delegates repeatedly championed one concept to be the most important in ensuring a strong and profitable Canadian news industry: quality. It is tremendously important for news organizations to provide valuable, quality content to its readers.

Increasingly Sophisticated Audiences Adapting to Digital Platforms

While there are signs of declining interest and increasing cynicism among audiences, more Canadians appear to be consuming news via digital platforms, two new CMRC studies reveal. And it appears that a preference for quality content may be compelling them to go online.

The Credibility Gap: Canadians and their news media

While there are signs of declining interest and increasing cynicism among audiences, more Canadians appear to be consuming news via digital platforms, our new study reveals. And it appears that they may be going online because of a preference for quality content.    

Online Canadians and News

We are please to present our new study, which looks at daily media use and news consumption. The study consisted of 1,000 interviews, and its key objective was to understand the interplay of the internet and traditional media among those who have access to both.

Invitational Future of News Summit

On May 29, 2008, the CMRC hosted the first-ever Invitational Summit of media leaders in Canada. The one-day event brought together the best minds in the news industry and media studies to consider some of the challenges posed by today’s media landscape.


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The Credibility Gap

Canadians and their news media

Online Canadians and the News

Media use and news consumption