Media Blog


Embracing Canada Online!

The launch of the Canadian Internet Project ’s (CIP) latest study, Canada Online! The Internet, Media and Emerging Technologies has received an abundance of coverage in the media. It is a comprehensive survey of more than 3,000 Canadians, examining their use of the internet, conventional media, and emerging technologies. It offers insights into both new and conventional media use in Canada and the social, economic and cultural impact the internet is having on Canadians.

The French-English digital divide / Spark, CBC Radio One

Online time growing in Canadians’ daily lives / The Toronto Star

How the net is changing Canadian media habits /

B.C. residents at head of Canada’s digital parade / The Vancouver Sun

Web addicts: students need their Internet fix / The Eyeopener

Many seniors go online for social networking / CTV News

Internet habits examined in new report / Media in Canada

As internet hours increase, other media do not suffer / Mediacaster Magazine

Internet use augments older media: study / The Calgary Herald

The web complements, not replaces, traditional media / Marketnewsgadgettalk

Canada leads globe in broadband access, not speed / itWorldCanada

Half of elderly Canadians online / The Canadian Press

The Canadian Media Research Consortium is a partner of the CIP and partially funded this study.

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