En Francais

Advisory Council
Board of Directors
Annual Lecture

Annual Reports
Annual Conferences


A seminar presented by

The Canadian Media Research Consortium/
Le Consortium Canadien de Recherche sur les Médias

Monday, April 3 - Tuesday, April 4, 2022
University of British Columbia

Agenda (23 kb)
To open the Agenda, double-click on the link Agenda or the icon.

To download the Agenda, right click Agenda and select 'Save Target As...' then choose a location on your computer for the download.
"Youth and the News" Powerpoint Presentation (1.09MB)

This file should be downloaded to your desktop before opening it. To download, right click Powerpoint Presentation and select "Save Target As.." then select your "Desktop". Open the Powerpoint from your desktop.
Canadian Young Adults and Information
(41.4 MB)

Presented by Claire Boily, Observatoire Jeunes et Société INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société Université du Québec, Québec

This file should be downloaded to your desktop before opening it. To download, right click Canadian Young Adults and Information Conference and select "Save Target As.." then select your "Desktop". Open the PDF from your desktop.
Presentation by Pema Hegan (4.97 MB)

This file should be downloaded to your desktop before opening it. To download, right click Presentation by Pema Hegan and select "Save Target As.." then select your "Desktop". Open the PDF from your desktop.

CONTACT US:   phone:  604-822-9789   |   email:  cmrcccrm@interchange.ubc.ca